Newsletter Article Submit Form

Please use this form for all Golf Viewer newsletter articles. You can copy and paste your article into the Article field. An image or a PDF calendar can be submitted using the PDF or Image field. Special instructions can be stated in the 2nd field from the bottom.

Submissions from all contributors will be available to be viewed by those submitting articles prior to publication so that you can view all articles which may help avoid duplication of subject matter, errors by collaborating..

All submissions should be submitted by at least 5 days prior to the 1st of the month. 

Authorized contributors: Danna Hiner, Phyllis McGroaty, Chris Anderson, Sandi Ivey, Rich Lowe, Kay Hendrickson (for board member articles) Anyone else? A copy will go to Susie and Dale for the newsletter as well.

Note: Article will come through as unformatted text, so the news article will be formatted by the newsletter crew. If you wish to designate paragraph breaks yourself, just add "PB" where you want a new paragraph.

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New or Revised Submission?: 
Article for Newsletter:
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