Golf View Estates residents now have more options for Internet service than ever. They include the original underground wire broadband, over-the-air wireless and satellite options. The majority of residents in Golf View Estates use providers COBA Systems, Twin Wireless, or the newest entry into the field, Power Broadband.
Power Broadband, out of McAllen, has rapidly gained popularity within GVE because of its attractive price, reliability and "bang for the buck" with downloads speeds never previously available to us! They also are very Winter Texan friendly!
Power Broadband has offered GVE no-cost Internet to our Clubhouse once they get 10 new referral installations from GVE residents. That would be a great perk in our estimation. If you would like to talk to some neighbors who are using Power Broadband's service about their experience, send us a note.
Scheduling your appointment online is the best way to setup installation at a time convenient to you. There is also a "Chat" feature on the web site where you can ask a question.
To reserve an installation date . . click here.