Welcome To Golf View Estates

Golf View Estates is a 55+ resident owned community located adjacent to the 18 hole Howling Trails Golf Course.

We are located on the far western edge of Mission between Penitas and the city of McAllen; conveniently located to shopping, dining, birding, and cultural functions.

The community of 141 all brick homes has a beautiful clubhouse, swimming pool, shuffleboard court, library and offers many social activities for your enjoyment.

Come check us out if you're not already lucky enough to be members of our community!

Easy Sign Up for
Golf, Meals & other Events

GVE Residents now have an easy way to sign up for Couples Golf and for Special Meal Events like Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner, Soup Supper etc.  Don't worry, there's a way you can edit or delete your reservation if needed, just hand on to your confirmation email.  Look for Golf and Meal signups in the Quick Links Menu. Or click the link below:


Add Website icon to your Phone or Tablet!

If you didn't already know, you can add an icon to your Smart Phone that shows up just like any other app for quick and easy access to GVE. This can be done with both Apple and Android phones. Click here for instructions for both phones with iPhone being followed by Android on the same PDF link. 


GVE Board Election Results

On Monday, January 27th, at the Golf View Estates homeowners association meeting, residents elected three new board members, Dan Henry, vice-president, Renae Mugge, treasurer, and Melissa Wurst, director.  In addition, Danna Hiner was reelected as a director for another 2 year term. Thanks go out to Dave Harmon, Dee Henry and Norma Alvarez for their service as board members these past two years! See complete list of Board Members here.

Golf Viewer Newsletter 

The GVE Golf Viewer newsletter is produced monthly from November 1st through April 1st. You'll find it on the GVE website under the Quick Links menu or it can be picked up at the club house. There are no longer home deliveries unless you are unable to get to the club house, then we will be sure you get a copy. If you need home delivery, please call or text 515-238-8042.

Updated Directory is Online!

A digital version of the 2024 Directory is now online under the Residents menu & Members Only.  We ask all GVE residents to review their contact info periodically and let us know of any changes to allow us to keep the online version updated.  Please use this form to report changes or new information. The most current info we have for you can be found by clicking here.  Your password is required.